Source code for systemlink.clients.tag._tag_query_result_collection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Implementation of TagQueryResultCollection."""

import abc
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional

from systemlink.clients import core, tag as tbase

[docs]class TagQueryResultCollection(abc.ABC): """Represents a paginated list of tags returned by a query. Iterating over the collection makes additional server requests to retrieve pages after the first. """ def __init__( self, first_page: List[tbase.TagData], total_count: int, skip: int ) -> None: """Initialize an instance with the first page of query results. Args: first_page: The first page of results, or None if there are no results. total_count: The total number of results in the query. skip: The skip used for the first page of results. """ self._first_page = None # type: Optional[List[tbase.TagData]] if first_page: if skip >= total_count: raise core.ApiException( "skip is >= totalCount, but the tag list isn't empty" ) self._first_page = first_page else: pass # leave it as None, even if passed in as [] self._use_cached_page = True self._total_count = total_count self._skip = skip @property def total_count(self) -> int: # noqa: D401 """The total number of tags matched by the query at the time the query was made.""" return self._total_count def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[List[tbase.TagData]]: """Enumerate over the pages of tag query results. Calls to ``next(iter())`` may throw :class:`.ApiException`. Returns: The created enumerator. """ skip = self._skip if self._use_cached_page: self._use_cached_page = False page = self._first_page self._first_page = None if not page: return skip += len(page) yield page if skip >= self._total_count: return while True: page = self._query_page(skip) if not page: return skip += len(page) yield page if skip >= self._total_count: break @abc.abstractmethod def _query_page(self, skip: int) -> List[tbase.TagData]: """Query for a single page of results and updates :attr:`total_count`. Args: skip: The skip to use in the query. Returns: The page of results, or None if there are no more results. Raises: ApiException: if the API call fails. """ ...