Source code for nisystemlink.clients.testmonitor._test_monitor_client

"""Implementation of TestMonitor Client"""

from typing import Optional

from nisystemlink.clients import core
from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._base_client import BaseClient
from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._methods import get

from . import models

[docs]class TestMonitorClient(BaseClient): # prevent pytest from thinking this is a test class __test__ = False
[docs] def __init__(self, configuration: Optional[core.HttpConfiguration] = None): """Initialize an instance. Args: configuration: Defines the web server to connect to and information about how to connect. If not provided, the :class:`HttpConfigurationManager <nisystemlink.clients.core.HttpConfigurationManager>` is used to obtain the configuration. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the Spec Service. """ if configuration is None: configuration = core.HttpConfigurationManager.get_configuration() super().__init__(configuration, base_path="/nitestmonitor/v2/")
@get("") def api_info(self) -> models.ApiInfo: """Get information about the available API operations. Returns: Information about available API operations. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the `ni``/nitestmonitor``` service. """ ...