Source code for nisystemlink.clients.spec.models._condition

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._json_model import JsonModel

[docs]class ConditionType(Enum): """Conditions are either numeric or string type.""" NUMERIC = "NUMERIC" """Numeric condition.""" STRING = "STRING" """String condition."""
[docs]class ConditionRange(JsonModel): """Specifies the range of values that the condition must cover.""" min: Optional[float] = None """Minimum value of the condition range.""" max: Optional[float] = None """Maximum value of the condition range.""" step: Optional[float] = None """Step value of the condition range."""
class ConditionValueBase(JsonModel): """The base type for conditions that can be represented in several styles.""" condition_type: ConditionType """Type of the Condition."""
[docs]class NumericConditionValue(ConditionValueBase): """A numeric condition. Numeric conditions can contain a combination of ranges and discrete lists. """ range: Optional[List[ConditionRange]] = None """List of condition range values.""" discrete: Optional[List[float]] = None """List of condition discrete values.""" unit: Optional[str] = None """Unit of the condition."""
[docs]class StringConditionValue(ConditionValueBase): """A string condition. String conditions may only contain discrete lists of values. """ discrete: Optional[List[str]] = None """List of condition discrete values."""
[docs]class Condition(JsonModel): """A single condition.""" name: Optional[str] = None """Name of the condition.""" value: Optional[Union[NumericConditionValue, StringConditionValue]] = None """Value of the condition."""