Source code for nisystemlink.clients.file.models._file_query_response

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List

from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._json_model import JsonModel
from pydantic import Field

from ._file_metadata import FileMetadata
from ._link import Link

[docs]class FileQueryResponse(JsonModel): """The result of a file query""" field_links: Dict[str, Link] = Field(alias="_links") """The links that apply to the collection of files for a service group: - deleteFiles: Link to delete multiple files from the service group using a POST - query: Link to query for available files in the service group using a POST - search: Link to retrieve a filtered list of files in the service group using a GET - self: Link to the current service group - upload: Link to upload files to the service group using a POST """ available_files: List[FileMetadata] """The list of files returned by the query""" total_count: int """The total number of files that match the query regardless of skip and take values"""