Source code for nisystemlink.clients.file.models._file_metadata
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Optional
from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._json_model import JsonModel
from pydantic import Field
from ._link import Link
[docs]class FileMetadata(JsonModel):
field_links: Optional[Dict[str, Link]] = Field(None, alias="_links")
The links to access and manipulate the file:
- data: Link to download the file using a GET request
- delete: Link to delete the file using a DELETE request
- self: Link to the file's metadata
- updateMetadata: Link to update the file's metadata using a POST request
created: Optional[datetime]
The date and time the file was created in the file service.
example :2018-05-15T18:54:27.519Z
id: Optional[str]
The file's ID within the service group.
example: "5afb2ce3741fe11d88838cc9"
path: Optional[str]
The path to the file on the server. This field is returned only if
the user has associated privileges to view file paths.
example: C:\temp\4afb2ce3741fe11d88838cc9.txt
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
The file's properties
Example - {"Name": "myfile.txt", "MyProperty": "Value"}
meta_data_revision: Optional[int]
The file's properties revision number. When a file is uploaded, the revision number starts at 1.
Every time metadata is updated, the revision number is incremented by 1.
service_group: Optional[str]
The service group that owns the file
size: Optional[int]
The 32-bit file size in bytes. If the value is larger than a 32-bit integer,
this value is -1 and the size64 parameter contains the correct value.
size64: Optional[int]
The 64-bit file size in bytes
workspace: Optional[str]
The workspace the file belongs to
last_updated_timestamp: Optional[datetime]
The date and time the file was last updated in the file service.
example: 2018-05-15T18:54:27.519Z