Source code for nisystemlink.clients.dataframe.models._modify_table_request

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._json_model import JsonModel

[docs]class ColumnMetadataPatch(JsonModel): """Specifies column properties to add, modify, or delete when editing table metadata.""" name: str """The name of the column to modify.""" properties: Dict[str, Optional[str]] """The properties to modify. A map of key value properties containing the metadata to be added or modified. Setting a property value to ``None`` will delete the property."""
[docs]class ModifyTableRequest(JsonModel): """Contains the metadata properties to modify. Values not included will remain unchanged.""" metadata_revision: Optional[int] = None """When specified, this is an integer that must match the last known revision number of the table, incremented by one. If it doesn't match the current ``metadataRevision`` incremented by one at the time of execution, the modify request will be rejected with a 409 Conflict. This is used to ensure that changes to this table's metadata are based on a known, previous state.""" name: Optional[str] = None """The new name of the table. Setting to ``None`` will reset the name to the table's ID.""" workspace: Optional[str] = None """The new workspace for the table. Setting to ``None`` will reset to the default workspace. Changing the workspace requires permission to delete the table in its current workspace and permission to create the table in its new workspace.""" properties: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = None """The properties to modify. A map of key value properties containing the metadata to be added or modified. Setting a property value to ``None`` will delete the property.""" columns: Optional[List[ColumnMetadataPatch]] = None """Updates to the column properties. Cannot add or remove columns, or change the name of a column."""