Source code for nisystemlink.clients.dataframe.models._column_filter

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._json_model import JsonModel

[docs]class FilterOperation(str, Enum): """Represents the different operations that can be used in a filter.""" Equals = "EQUALS" NotEquals = "NOT_EQUALS" LessThan = "LESS_THAN" LessThanEquals = "LESS_THAN_EQUALS" GreaterThan = "GREATER_THAN" GreaterThanEquals = "GREATER_THAN_EQUALS" Contains = "CONTAINS" NotContains = "NOT_CONTAINS"
[docs]class ColumnFilter(JsonModel): """A filter to apply to the table data.""" column: str """The name of the column to use for filtering.""" operation: FilterOperation """How to compare the column's value with the specified value. An error is returned if the column's data type does not support the specified operation: * String columns only support ``EQUALS``, ``NOT_EQUALS``, ``CONTAINS``, and ``NOT_CONTAINS``. * Non-string columns do not support ``CONTAINS`` or ``NOT_CONTAINS``. * When ``value`` is ``None``, the operation must be ``EQUALS`` or ``NOT_EQUALS``. * When ``value`` is ``NaN`` for a floating-point column, the operation must be ``NOT_EQUALS``. """ value: Optional[str] """The comparison value to use for filtering. An error will be returned if the value cannot be converted to the column's data type."""