Source code for nisystemlink.clients.dataframe._data_frame_client

"""Implementation of DataFrameClient."""

from typing import List, Optional

from nisystemlink.clients import core
from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._base_client import BaseClient
from nisystemlink.clients.core._uplink._methods import (
from nisystemlink.clients.core.helpers import IteratorFileLike
from requests.models import Response
from uplink import Body, Field, Path, Query

from . import models

[docs]class DataFrameClient(BaseClient):
[docs] def __init__(self, configuration: Optional[core.HttpConfiguration] = None): """Initialize an instance. Args: configuration: Defines the web server to connect to and information about how to connect. If not provided, an instance of :class:`JupyterHttpConfiguration <nisystemlink.clients.core.JupyterHttpConfiguration>` is used. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service. """ if configuration is None: configuration = core.JupyterHttpConfiguration() super().__init__(configuration, "/nidataframe/v1/")
[docs] @get("") def api_info(self) -> models.ApiInfo: """Get information about available API operations. Returns: Information about available API operations. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service. """ ...
[docs] @get( "tables", args=[ Query("take"), Query("id"), Query("orderBy"), Query("orderByDescending"), Query("continuationToken"), Query("workspace"), ], ) def list_tables( self, take: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[List[str]] = None, order_by: Optional[models.OrderBy] = None, order_by_descending: Optional[bool] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, workspace: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> models.PagedTables: """Lists available tables on the SystemLink DataFrame service. Args: take: Limits the returned list to the specified number of results. Defaults to 1000. id: List of table IDs to filter by. order_by: The sort order of the returned list of tables. order_by_descending: Whether to sort descending instead of ascending. Defaults to false. continuation_token: The token used to paginate results. workspace: List of workspace IDs to filter by. Returns: The list of tables with a continuation token. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("tables", return_key="id") def create_table(self, table: models.CreateTableRequest) -> str: """Create a new table with the provided metadata and column definitions. Args: table: The request to create the table. Returns: The ID of the newly created table. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("query-tables") def query_tables(self, query: models.QueryTablesRequest) -> models.PagedTables: """Queries available tables on the SystemLink DataFrame service and returns their metadata. Args: query: The request to query tables. Returns: The list of tables with a continuation token. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @get("tables/{id}") def get_table_metadata(self, id: str) -> models.TableMetadata: """Retrieves the metadata and column information for a single table identified by its ID. Args: id (str): Unique ID of a data table. Returns: The metadata for the table. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @patch("tables/{id}", args=[Path, Body]) def modify_table(self, id: str, update: models.ModifyTableRequest) -> None: """Modify properties of a table or its columns. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. update: The metadata to update. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @delete("tables/{id}") def delete_table(self, id: str) -> None: """Deletes a table. Args: id (str): Unique ID of a data table. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("delete-tables", args=[Field("ids")]) def delete_tables( self, ids: List[str] ) -> Optional[models.DeleteTablesPartialSuccess]: """Deletes multiple tables. Args: ids (List[str]): List of unique IDs of data tables. Returns: A partial success if any tables failed to delete, or None if all tables were deleted successfully. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("modify-tables") def modify_tables( self, updates: models.ModifyTablesRequest ) -> Optional[models.ModifyTablesPartialSuccess]: """Modify the properties associated with the tables identified by their IDs. Args: updates: The table modifications to apply. Returns: A partial success if any tables failed to be modified, or None if all tables were modified successfully. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @get( "tables/{id}/data", args=[ Path("id"), Query("columns"), Query("orderBy"), Query("orderByDescending"), Query("take"), Query("continuationToken"), ], ) def get_table_data( self, id: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, order_by: Optional[List[str]] = None, order_by_descending: Optional[bool] = None, take: Optional[int] = None, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, ) -> models.PagedTableRows: """Reads raw data from the table identified by its ID. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. columns: Columns to include in the response. Data will be returned in the same order as the columns. If not specified, all columns are returned. order_by: List of columns to sort by. Multiple columns may be specified to order rows that have the same value for prior columns. The columns used for ordering do not need to be included in the columns list, in which case they are not returned. If not specified, then the order in which results are returned is undefined. order_by_descending: Whether to sort descending instead of ascending. Defaults to false. take: Limits the returned list to the specified number of results. Defaults to 500. continuation_token: The token used to paginate results. Returns: The table data and total number of rows with a continuation token. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("tables/{id}/data", args=[Path, Body]) def append_table_data(self, id: str, data: models.AppendTableDataRequest) -> None: """Appends one or more rows of data to the table identified by its ID. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. data: The rows of data to append and any additional options. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("tables/{id}/query-data", args=[Path, Body]) def query_table_data( self, id: str, query: models.QueryTableDataRequest ) -> models.PagedTableRows: """Reads rows of data that match a filter from the table identified by its ID. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. query: The filtering and sorting to apply when reading data. Returns: The table data and total number of rows with a continuation token. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
[docs] @post("tables/{id}/query-decimated-data", args=[Path, Body]) def query_decimated_data( self, id: str, query: models.QueryDecimatedDataRequest ) -> models.TableRows: """Reads decimated rows of data from the table identified by its ID. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. query: The filtering and decimation options to apply when reading data. Returns: The decimated table data. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...
def _iter_content_filelike_wrapper(response: Response) -> IteratorFileLike: return IteratorFileLike(response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096))
[docs] @response_handler(_iter_content_filelike_wrapper) @post("tables/{id}/export-data", args=[Path, Body]) def export_table_data( self, id: str, query: models.ExportTableDataRequest ) -> IteratorFileLike: """Exports rows of data that match a filter from the table identified by its ID. Args: id: Unique ID of a data table. query: The filtering, sorting, and export format to apply when exporting data. Returns: A file-like object for reading the exported data. Raises: ApiException: if unable to communicate with the DataFrame Service or provided an invalid argument. """ ...